Finding the Right Buyer’s Real Estate Agent for You


When it comes to purchasing your first home, your real estate agent is one of your strongest assets. Because good agents understand the market, know how to search it for the best home for you, and are familiar with your budget, desires, and priorities, they deliver better results than you’d get shopping on your own.

But how do you choose a real estate agent?

Luckily, it’s easier than you might think.

What’s a Buyer’s Agent?

Is a buyer’s agent different than a regular real estate agent? The answer is yes. While run-of-the-mill real estate agents aren’t required to work in their clients’ best interests (since they’re commissioned salespeople), working with them isn’t always the right choice for new and inexperienced homebuyers.

A buyer’s agent, however, typically works with a company that doesn’t accept sellers’ listings. This means they don’t have any incentive to show their customers certain properties, which also means you’re likely to get better showings and more relevant properties.

How to Find a Buyer’s Agent

Now that you’ve decided you want to work with a buyer’s agent, it’s time to find the right one for you. Here are a few things you’ll want to look for:

  • Buyer’s Agents That Don’t Accept Sales Listings. The more exclusively a buyer’s agent works with buyers, the better. If an agent accepts seller listings, it’s easy for conflicts of interest to arise.
  • Agents That Are Familiar With Your Area. Even the best buyer’s agent won’t be able to return a full home search in an area they don’t know very well. As such, you’ll want to look for an agent who understands your geographical area and knows the housing market in it.
  • Agents Who Don’t Have Other Jobs. As you’ll soon find out, purchasing a home is a full-time job, and you’ll get more one-on-one attention from buyer’s agents who are involved in real estate as a full-time position. While agents who hold other jobs can certainly be comprehensive and helpful, it’s a safer bet to opt for a full-time professional.
  • Buyer’s Agents With Proper Accreditation. Ideally, the buyer’s agent you choose should be an Accredited Buyer Representative or a Certified Buyer Representative.
  • An Agent Who Makes You Comfortable. It’s essential to work with a buyer’s agent with whom you feel comfortable. You’ll be spending a lot of time with this person, and it’s essential to enjoy that time. You also need to feel safe asking questions and expressing your wants and needs.

A Better Home Buying Experience

If you’re a new homebuyer, working with a buyer’s agent is a great way to ensure the home sales process goes as smoothly as possible. Because buyer’s agents work solely with buyers, they’re better able to return relevant properties and help you find the home of your dreams.