Beware These 4 Hidden Costs in Your Home Remodel


A home remodel is a messy, stressful, involved, and usually lengthy process, depending on the changes you’re making.

Sticking to your budget is already hard simply because the costs add up quickly. That’s not what will bite you in the wallet in the end, however.

What will bite are the hidden costs in your home remodel that you probably weren’t expecting.

4 Sneaky Home Renovation Expenses That Can Hurt Your Budget

When you’re planning your home remodel, you need to budget for unexpected costs. These can pop up and put a wrench in your dreams of a quick and painless renovation. Plan for the hidden costs of remodeling and avoid the strife.

1. Changing the Plan

It’s natural to want to change the renovation plan the further you get in your remodel. You might suddenly realize you want a built-in sink in your new kitchen island, or you might change your mind about the flooring, opting for a more durable – and more expensive – material.

Whatever the changes, adding on mid-project will most definitely cost you, because you have to pay for completed work, even if you’re not going to keep it. For instance, your carpenter may have already built your island when you decide to add a sink. This means you’ll have to pay for additional materials as well as his time.

2. Structural Problems/Changes

For more involved jobs, a home remodel will need structural changes both intentional and unexpected. You might add these on yourself, such as knocking down walls you had planned to leave alone at the outset. These also might pop up as problems with the home, such as an unsound support beam or a shaky foundation.

3. Unexpected Building Code Violations

Building codes exist to protect public safety and health, but these alter with the passing years. If you own an older home, what was up to code at the time is likely an issue now. This is because codes now reflect energy efficiency and sustainability practices.

Big culprits include old wiring, ancient plumbing, and unsafe materials (think lead paint and asbestos).

4. Hidden Issues, Revealed

In many ways, a renovation is like an architectural dig. You’re peeling back the layers of your house, revealing what the decades hath wrought.

Lots of times, this digging unearths issues hidden under the surface – ones you now must fix. Sometimes you’ll find unsound building practices that compromise your home’s integrity. Other times, you may discover leaks, wood rot, or pest damage that needs fixing.

Plan for the Hidden Costs of Remodeling

Your home renovation will go much more smoothly if you plan carefully. This includes budgeting for the unexpected. However, if you really want to cut costs, stick to the plan once you have one, and don’t request changes after work is already completed.